110 S. Greeley Street, Stillwater MN 55082


Relieve pain & stress through immersion in essential minerals. Restore your well-being in the ‘Ancient Healing Mineral Pool’. Heated waters containing 83 trace minerals help boost circulation, reduce symptoms of depression & anxiety, revive youthful skin & help treat inflammation in swollen joints & sore, fatigued muscle. Must be 18 years or older to use the Mineral Pool, Whirlpool, and Sauna.

*Please remember to rinse off in one of our conveniently located showers PRIOR to entering the pool or whirlpool. Limit one user per series card

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Benefits of Mineral Waters

What are the magic wonders and health benefits of mineral water pools

For thousands of years, the benefits of submerging in mineral-dense bodies of water have been widely believed and documented. Across Europe, mineral baths are popular tourist-hubs for people looking to enjoy their many benefits.

Relaxes your mind and body

One of the main benefits associated with delving into mineral pools is the relaxation your mind and body experiences, almost instantaneously. Over time, it can help you maintain a more relaxed demeanor even while out of the pool. The transdermal absorption (through the skin) of the minerals as you swim can even lower blood pressure. This can also allow the nervous system to calm the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Repairs nerve and muscle function

Spending time in a mineral-dense pool has been shown to strengthen bone density (by aiding in better absorption of calcium to the body), boost immunity and regulate sugar levels. In a lot of instances, these ailments are related to lifestyle choices that are degenerative to the body’s function; including the healing power of mineral pools into your health treatment can greatly improve its efficacy and offer a faster route back to good health.

Increases skin elasticity and hair health

Good health doesn’t just show up on the inside… Swimming in mineral pools is often associated with improved aesthetics, allowing the skin to press pause on premature ageing. Minerals improve the skin’s elasticity and injects moisture back into dry or drying skin, leaving the skin feeling soft and silky

Magnesium is also responsible for improving the strength of our hair follicles, stopping hair loss and breakage while also improving its natural sheen.

Soothe skin conditions

Mineral pools can also help with the healing of skin conditions such as rosacea, acne, eczema and psoriasis. There are even anecdotal reports that swimming in a mineral pool can solely cure mild to moderate instances of these conditions, without the help of other medications or topical steroids. Minerals are reparative, as opposed to degenerative and drying, when it comes to our skin’s reaction to it. The silky feeling you have when you get out of a mineral pool is not just a film on top of the skin that goes away, it’s penetrative and repairs as you swim, and continues when you’re out of the pool.

Improves energy levels and helps with sleep

Taking a dip in a mineral pool when you’re lethargic can immediately increase your energy levels as it aids in the circulation of blood to your heart, muscles and brain. It’s healthier and more effective for boosting energy than downing several cups of coffee, and won’t interrupt your sleep patterns. Minerals work to keep you at a healthy level of energy; if you’re low it will bring you up to that level, if you are elevated, it will settle you down to that level. This ensures you have enough energy to get you through your day, and enough relaxation to help zone you out to achieve adequate sleep.

Minerals in Ancient Healing Mineral Pool

Element Ion Atomic # Concentration Method/Source
Hydrogen H 1 0.30 g/kg DIN
Lithium Li 3 0.40 g/kg AAS
Beryllium Be 4 <0.01 ppm AAS
Boron B 5 <0.001 ppm FSK
Carbon C 6 <0.001 ppm FSK
Nitrogen N 7 0.024 ppm ICG
Oxygen O 8 1.20 g/kg DIN
Fluoride F 9 <0.1 g Potentiometric
Sodium Na 11 382.61 g/kg FSM
Magnesium Mg 12 0.16 g/kg AAS
Aluminum Al 13 0.661 ppm AAS
Silicon Si 14 <0.1 g AAS
Phosphorus P 15 <0.10 ppm ICG
Sulfur S 16 12.4 g/kg TXRF
Chloride Cl 17 590.93 g/kg Gravimetric
Potassium K 19 3.5 g/kg FSM
Calcium Ca 20 4.05 g/kg Titration
Scandium Sc 21 <0.0001 ppm FSK
Titanium Ti 22 <0.001 ppm FSK
Vanadium V 23 0.06 ppm AAS
Chromium Cr 24 0.05 ppm AAS
Manganese Mn 25 0.27 ppm AAS
Iron Fe 26 38.9 ppm AAS
Cobalt Co 27 0.60 ppm AAS
Nickel Ni 28 0.13 ppm AAS
Copper Cu 29 0.56 ppm AAS
Zinc Zn 30 2.38 ppm AAS
Gallium Ga 31 <0.001 ppm FSK
Germanium Ge 32 <0.001 ppm FSK
Arsenic As 33 <0.01 ppm AAS
Selenium Se 34 0.05 ppm AAS
Bromine Br 35 2.1 ppm TXRF
Rubidium Rb 37 0.04 ppm AAS
Strontium Sr 38 0.014 g/kg AAS
Ytterbium Y 39 <0.001 ppm FSK
Zirconium Zr 40 <0.001 ppm FSK
Niobium Nb 41 <0.001 ppm FSK
Molybdenum Mo 42 0.01 ppm AAS
Technetium Tc 43 Unstable artificial isotope N/A
Ruthenium Ru 44 <0.001 ppm FSK
Rhodium Rh 45 <0.001 ppm FSK
Palladium Pd 46 <0.001 ppm FSK
Silver Ag 47 0.031 ppm AAS
Cadmium Cd 48 <0.01 ppm AAS
Indium In 49 <0.001 ppm FSK
Tin Sn 50 <0.01 ppm AAS
Antimony Sb 51 <0.01 ppm AAS
Tellurium Te 52 <0.001 ppm FSK
Iodine I 53 <0.1 g Potentiometric
Cesium Cs 55 <0.001 ppm FSK
Barium Ba 56 1.96 ppm AAS/TXR
Lanthanum La 57 <0.001 ppm FSK
Cerium Ce 58 <0.001 ppm FSK
Praseodymium Pr 59 <0.001 ppm FSK
Neodymium Nd 60 <0.001 ppm FSK
Promethium Pm 61 Unstable artificial isotope N/A
Samarium Sm 62 <0.001 ppm FSK
Europium Eu 63 <3.0 ppm TXRF
Gadolinium Gd 64 <0.001 ppm FSK
Terbium Tb 65 <0.001 ppm FSK
Dysprosium Dy 66 <4.0 ppm TXRF
Holmium Ho 67 <0.001 ppm FSK
Erbium Er 68 <0.001 ppm FSK
Thulium Tm 69 <0.001 ppm FSK
Ytterbium Yb 70 <0.001 ppm FSK
Lutetium Lu 71 <0.001 ppm FSK
Hafnium Hf 72 <0.001 ppm FSK
Tantalum Ta 73 1.1 ppm TXRF
Wolfram W 74 <0.001 ppm FSK
Rhenium Re 75 <2.5 ppm TXRF
Osmium Os 76 <0.001 ppm FSK
Iridium Ir 77 <2.0 ppm TXRF
Platinum Pt 78 0.47 ppm TXRF
Gold Au 79 <1.0 ppm TXRF
Mercury Hg 80 <0.03 ppm AAS
Thallium Ti 81 0.06 ppm AAS
Lead Pb 82 0.10 ppm AAS
Bismuth Bi 83 <0.10 ppm AAS
Polonium Po 84 <0.001 ppm FSK
Astatine At 85 <0.001 ppm FSK
Francium Fr 87 <1.0 ppm TXRF
Radium Ra 88 <0.001 ppm FSK
Actinium Ac 89 <0.001 ppm FSK
Thorium Th 90 <0.001 ppm FSK
Protactinium Pa 91 <0.001 ppm FSK
Uranium U 92 <0.001 ppm FSK
Neptunium Np 93 <0.001 ppm FSK
Plutonium Pu 94 <0.001 ppm FSK